“When you are in love, presence is felt, not words. When two lovers become close to each other, silence always follows.”
When I began to give myself love, my life filled with silence.
A completely unobtrusive, entirely natural, soothing silence.
Yes, indeed, love can be spoken about or pondered upon.
Probably even endlessly. But wouldn’t it be better to simply feel it???To feel it deeply, in every cell of your body!
In every microsecond of your life.
And it is felt best in silence.
So I lie down on the couch, apologize to my mind that I will ignore it for a while, and…I surrender to feeling!
Feeling what fills me when silence appears.
Pure love.
For myself.
For the Universe.
For every being in the Universe.
In complete delight, I allow this feeling to spread throughout my entire body and my entire Soul.
To fill my entire being. To endure within me. To become my perspective of reality.
Because the world around you is a reflection of your inner self.
So, isn’t it worth filling yourself with love to make the world around you more beautiful?
And since beauty is meant to enchant, allow yourself to be filled with the beauty of love and be enchanted by yourself.
Because you have love within you.
The purest.
In immense quantities.
Perhaps no one ever told you it’s there, waiting for you.
Waiting to fall right into your arms.
So often fainting with anticipation for it.
And don’t worry about what others will say or think.
At first, it can be your most beautiful secret.
Yours and your inner love.
Because that love is unconditional.
It will accept you exactly as you are.
Here and now.
Without expectations.
Without judgment.
With love,
Healing Tone